Let’s break down which are the BEST DECKS in Vanguard right now in the Generation Dragenesis format!
Thank you as always to Fuzzy Paradox and his website VG-Paradox for making these videos possible!
Thumbnail art by Hisashi
1. 1st Place Ultimate
2. 1st Place Grand Ultimate
3. a. Energy & No Valt
b. Valt Build
c. Order Build
4. My list Top 4 Ultimate
5. Ultimate Top 8
6. Ultimate Top 8
8. Ultimate 4th
1. Glimmer Breath Variant
9. 1st Place Ultimate Osaka
10. Top 8 WGP Singapore
1. Kairi
2. Lianorn Grand Ultimate Top 16
3. Blangdmire Ultimate 1st Place
4. Eva Ultimate Top 8
5. Gandeeva 2nd Ultimate Osaka
6. Tamayura Ultimate Top 8
7. Rorowa Top 8 WGP Korea
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